Assignment 1. Square Mile (I)

This assignment consists in a series of 6-12 images inspired by the concept of “The Square Mile”, described by Professor Mike Pearson. In order to do this, a list of photographers who’s work is based in their surroundings is given as a starting point for research and inspiration.

In preparation for this Assignment, I have been looking at the work of Jodie Taylor and Gawain Barnard.

“Memories of Childhood” is a series of photographs created by Jodie Taylor who revisits places from her childhood and explores how these influence her as she grew up. I feel particularly drown to these images as the reminiscence of the 80´s reminds me of my old family albums. I also like the fact that she photographs empty spaces, which in my opinion helps the viewer relate to their own memories. As my actual neighborhood is very different from the city where I grew up, I want to reflect this idea in order to create that nostalgic feeling for my project. On the other hand, these empty spaces also give me the idea of disconnection with the people living around me, which I don´t actually know, and represents the lack of community ties to me.


Maybe we´ll be soldiers“, by Gawain Barnard attracted my attention as I can see a connection between the purpose of this series and the young population in my area. There is a strong feeling of belonging between the portraits and the landscapes, yet it is not obvious where these youngsters are geographically living. Each portrait shows something very personal: close up, sincere images where you can see the subject clearly, paired up with a simple capture of their surroundings that it seems to keep them protected and giving them anonymity. Houses in my area are quite distinctive so I liked this approach.

My aim is to create an anonymous view of my neighbourhood with a warm, close feeling to give the viewer a place to relate to.

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